Thursday, September 13, 2007

Weeks 5 & 6

This has been a really busy week, and next week is shaping up to be even busier! I am learning all about managing employees- it's not easy! But I am getting to do some fun stuff too, like spending money. I am in the middle of ordering books- what a drag...NOT! It's almost hard to find enough books to buy. I have ordered over a hundred new Young Adult books to beef up our YA section. I have been able to recommend books to patrons this week, which they have enjoyed. That's a good feeling. I really love introducing folks to new authors, genres, etc.

Today I had to give a library tour to a group of Senior Spouses- the wives of the senior officers and enlisted on the post. There were about 9 or 10- not huge, but still intimidating. But I think I did ok. I made them laugh a couple of times, so that is good.

Every day on my way to work, I am so thankful to be able to live in this beautiful place! These rolling, verdant hills, crowned with dark green forests. The soil fertile and black. Then as you follow the curve of the road, a quaint little German village comes into view. Hohenfels is in northern Bavaria, which is mostly Catholic state of Germany. One of the routes I can take while walking around Lupburg has the stations of the cross along the sides of the road. Small chapels are common, as are crucifixes. The cemeteries are so lovely, with each grave a miniature garden, lovingly tended. Right in the middle of a small village one will come unexpectedly upon a small barn with pigs or horses, or a yard full of chickens.

Oh, I am very excited to report that on Sunday, I am going to the Czech Republic to Karlovy Vary, or Karlsbad as it is known in German. It is a spa town, although I doubt I will partake. Shopping is supposed to be good there, and it is apparently a lovely city. I will get to use my new GPS for the first time. It is only about a 2 hour drive, so it will be a day trip.

WELL, it is now Tuesday morning, and I have a little time before I leave for work, so I decided to finish up this blog. My friend Linda and I did go to Karlovy Vary, and it was spectacular! It is a gem of a town, built on the sides of a gorge, so it is a bit like San Francisco with its hills. It is known for its colonnades, where the hot spring water is found. A unique cup is sold there, supposedly a perfect shape for enjoying and drinking the water. I bought a cup, but did not drink. No inhaling, either. We ate lunch at the Grand Hotel Pupp, where a pivotal scene from the last James Bond movie was shot. Cool.

It was a great trip, and Mary, my GPS, did very well. (I call her Mary Poppins because she has a crisp British accent and she tells me what to do.) Crossing the Czech border was a non-event, as they did not even check our passports!

This week a librarian from Wiesbaden has come down to help me get this job figured out. She is very nice and has helped me a lot already. I currently have laryngitis, so I am whispering alot. It's funny, because not only do my patrons whisper back to me, they seem to expect it since we are in a library! I guess I have a rotten cold. I hope it gets better soon- it's hard not to be able to talk!

Must run. I have to be at work at nine am. That's quite a change from last year, when I had to be at school by 7:15!
I miss you all and wish someone would come visit! I am beginning to sound like a broken record, but this is such a great place. I want to share it with all of you!
God bless you all, as He is daily blessing me. Pray that we sell the house! Ben is working hard to get it into shape.
I will blog more in the next few weeks, same bat time, same bat channel.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So good to hear more from you. I hope your laryngitis clears up soon. I wish I could drop everything right now and come visit, but you know I cannot. I miss you so much, and am praying hard that we are able to make it over there this Christmas. Love you muchly!!