Sunday, December 14, 2008

Snapshots of Christmas in Germany:
Snapshot 1: We are sitting quietly in our living room one night recently when BOOM! Boom! we hear several loud noises outside. We look at each other questioningly. "What was that?" we ask. As Ben goes over to the side door to let Kitty out, he turns to me and says excitedly, "Open the front window- a band is playing down in town!" Sure enough, I open our front window and look out into the dark, snowy village below us and hear the exuberant strains of an Oompah band! Even though it is about 28 dgrees C outside, we both lean out the window and listen delightedly. Later on we hear "Frohe Geburtstag" or "Happy birthday" being sung and played. So cool! We figured that the booms were probably fireworks, which we could not see due to fog.
Snapshot 2: Driving up our steep Strasse, we pass St. Nikolaus and the Christkind, waiting by a motorcyle parked in a driveway. We wave and they wave back.
Snapshot 3: Velburg Weihnachtmarkt (Christmas Market) on Dec. 12. It gets dark here around 4:45, so when we decide to walk down to the Christmas Market around 7 pm, it is very dark and very cold. As we arrive on the main square, a soft snow begins to fall, big fluffy flakes drifting down and landing on my nose and hair. We make our way through the small crowd drinking Gluhwein (literally 'glowwine', it is a hot mulled wine) and eating Bratsemmel ( bratwurst on a roll) and Gulaschbrottopf (Gulash in a bread bowl-Ben is eating one below). As we stroll, we see the stalls selling food and drink, toys and ornaments, socks and hats, and much more. A small musical group is playing carols on a stage while an appreciative audience stomps their feet and holds their hot Gluhwein to stay warm. Beyond the stage is a makeshift corral holding 2 sheep and a precious little lamb, next to a manger scene with straw figures. More stalls, more food, more holiday spirit, all kinds! A perfect evening, perfect snow, great food. A memory forever.

This Christmas may be the first white Christmas we have experienced in a long time! And to make it more exciting, Cait and Jeremy fly in on Thursday to visit us for a few weeks. Cait just graduated yesterday (Dec. 13) from Montreat College. She gave the graduation speech and was, I am sure, wonderful! We hate that we could not be there for her, but her brother Drew was there to represent her family. So proud! And Jeremy has been a great support. Thanks, Jer.
We plan on hitting several more Christmas markets around here once they arrive, some big and some small. Last year, Drew was here for Christmas, but this year we will not be able to see Stephen as he is still in Kirkuk, Iraq. Please pray for him as he is really missing home. We hope to be able to see Megh though.
What a blessed time of year! Even though we might think that Germany is in need of the Gospel (and it is), still the true spirit of Christmas seems to be more accessible here. The origin of Christmas is not politically incorrect, at least not here in Catholic Bavaria. We hope and pray that your Christmas is grounded in the firm foundation that is Jesus Christ, the Good News of his coming and his sacrifice for us.
Frohe Weihnachten and ein gutes neu Jahr!
Nan & Ben


Unknown said...

Yay. I get to do that with you soon. Hooray! See you the day after tomorrow. Eeek. Love.

Anonymous said...

Cool! Love the photos and description. Our American friend who lives in Berlin talks that way about Christmas in Germany, too- less commercial and more simple. Know you are having a fabulous time with Caitlin and Jeremy!
Lots of love, Nan and all the Becks

Unknown said...

Geez, have you done nothing exciting since then? You must not have had any fabulous guests over the holidays did you? You would have surely written about it...

Still love you.